
How Many Blog Posts Before Launching My Blog?

How Many Blog Posts Before Launching My Blog?

How Many Blog Posts Before Launching My Blog?

How Many Blog Posts Before Launching My Blog?

Every blogger faces the same question: How many blog posts before launching my website or blog?

The answer may depend on many factors, like the type of website, its aim, and the scope of the website.

You need to consider the number of categories you are covering to add the posts.

For instance, if your blog is on sports. You may have categories like football, basketball, or golf. Above all, you need to post at least one article per category to attract an audience. Likewise, keep them engaged from the very first day!

Table of Contents

1. Why Must I Launch My Blog with Blog Posts?

A blog is successful if the content is shareable and engaging. The blog allows you to bring out the knowledge you have and show your expertise. Above all, the content must provide valuable insights and tips. 

Moreover, when you become a successful blogger, you have authority! You can build connections with your potential customers. Likewise, you may promote a business or a service.

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2. What Is A Blog Launch?

Anxious to Know what a blog launch is! Well! Launch a blog the moment you publish the very first blog of your blog posts. So, if you have a website that is running with a homepage, launch your blog!

3. What number of blog posts are required to start a blog?

Well! The answer depends on factors like size, scope, and the aim of the blog.

  • Size and Scope of the blog

The size of the blog defines if it has categories and topics. Above all, if the blog has it, then you need more blog posts than a blog that has a single topic. This is due to larger blogs requiring more content to fill the categories and topics. While smaller blogs require few posts.

  • Aim of your Blog

If your blog is an informative resource, then you need to make many blog posts. But if your blog is a personal one, then you need not have many posts ready. All in all, personal blogs provide opinions and are not information-based.

  • Consistency of blog posts

Now, it is important to consider the consistency of blog posts! Have a plan to post regularly? Well, then you need to have many posts ready.

However, if you plan to post less frequently then you don’t need many posts ready. Consistency depends on the goal of your blog.

  • The type of content

You need to keep more blog posts ready if you plan to post articles or tutorials on long-form. On the other hand, if you plan for shorter posts, then you need not make it ready.

4. How Many Blog Posts Do You Need to Rank?

You want to show your blog when people search, right? How many blog posts do you need to make this happen? Let’s check and do it.

How Many Blog Posts Are Ideal Per Month?

Aim for around 15 to 22 blog posts per month to start with. According to research, blogs that publish at least 16 posts. Above all, every month get more traffic comparatively.

Likewise, you need to post 3 to 5 blog posts per week. All in all, search engines value fresh and relevant content with consistent posting. Google considers this as an active website.

Optimizing Your Blog Posts for SEO After Launch

Blog success is not just the number of blog posts before launching. But you need to ensure your blog posts are SEO optimized.

SEO is making your blog visible and understandable by Google. You achieve this by using the right keywords that people are using to search for similar content.

5. What should be the length of your blog post for SEO?

Blog Posts that are longer with 1,500 to 2,500 words perform well! You can completely cover the subject. This positively impacts the SEO. Search engines support detailed and informative content.

However, short posts with 600 to 1,000 words are good for topics. The topics may be quick tips, news updates, or answers to questions.

Short posts provide quick information and provide a positive user experience.


Launching your blog is the event you have been waiting for. Since you started planning it as an owner. Above all, you may doubt how many blog posts before launching my blog, well! The answer is zero. Start your blog as soon as you finish your first quality content is ready.


1. What is the 80-20 rule for blog posts?

A: It means that 80% of your results like traffic, and engagement. This may come from the top 20% of your most effective or high-quality posts.

2. How many posts should my blog have?

A: Start with at least 20 to 30 good blog posts. It gives your blog a solid beginning. Check how your audience reacts and post accordingly. It’s more about quality than a number.

Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Hey! Are you looking to start a blog, but can’t figure out how to choose the best blogging platforms for beginners? As a beginner, you are looking for a platform that makes setting up your website easy. Above all, building a great blog starts with choosing the right platform. As you should know there are only a handful that are worth considering.

Well! This article will help you choose the best blogging platforms for beginners.

What to look for when choosing the best blogging platforms?

Before you dive into the list, you need to know what you are looking for in the platform.

As you are a beginner, you need an easy platform to set up. Moreover, you have to think about the type of blog you want to make.

You may want to change the outlook of your site, as your blog grows! You need to edit and add more features as your audience grows. Above all, you need the best blogging platforms for beginners, that are flexible and grow.

Starting with a wrong un-researched platform can make it difficult for you later.

With a good platform, you may make money in the future. 

Hence, keeping all these in mind, let’s find the best blogging platforms for beginners.

Table of Contents


WordPress.org is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners. It started its journey in 2003 and is now a leading platform. It is a design for everyone and it is a choice for over 43% of all sites on the web.

WordPress provides an opportunity for anyone to create a site. You can share, from personal narratives to life-changing movements. Above all, it is crucial to highlight that WordPress.org. It does not provide website creation services and is not a hosting platform in itself.

However, it requires users to look for a hosting service, and install WordPress. They have to take care of maintenance themselves. Moreover, WordPress.org is a center for the WordPress community. 

Here, users learn about WordPress and contribute to its development. Above all, they engage with other WordPress experts. It’s important to note, that WordPress.org itself does not offer website creation, and it is not a web host.

Check the review of what Harshit R has to say about WordPress.org


  • WordPress.org is scalable and supports you in building and developing your website.
  • You can add extra features like an online store, and forums, and sell online courses. Likewise, making it a free and one of the best blogging platforms for beginners.
  • You can get access to many free WordPress plugins. The plugins are like apps, that you add to your blog to add features like contact forms, galleries, and more.
  • WordPress is Search engine friendly. Here you can create SEO-friendly URLs, categories, and tags for your posts. Above all, there are more pros.


  • You have to learn to manage your website. Above all, you need to familiarize yourself with the WordPress admin backend.
  • You have to manage your own backups and security also.

Check this link where you can find an example of WordPress.org:

2. Medium : Recommended Blogging Platform for beginners

Medium serves as a platform for the sharing of stories and ideas. Above all, it has grown as a community of writers, journalists, bloggers, and experts. Likewise, it is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners. It came into being in 2012 and works like a social networking site. Here you make an account and start publishing your articles.

Medium is a platform for human stories and ideas. Here, you can share insights, useful knowledge, and wisdom with the world. You do not need to build a mailing list or a following. 

As the internet is noisy and chaotic. But Medium is quiet and is full of insight. It is simple, beautiful, and collaborative too! Medium helps you find the right audience for whatever you need to say.

Medium believes that what you read and write matters. Words can divide or empower you. Moreover, it may inspire or discourage you. So, Medium is a space for thoughtful conversation. 

Related>>>Check this story of a member in medium:

Related>>>Check the reviews of Violet Daniels speaks about Medium


  • Medium is simple and easy to use, with no coding skills needed.
  • It allows you to link with built-in audiences of similar interests.
  • Consider focusing on writing. Above all, it is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners as there is no designing for a website.


  • Medium has a feature that has a limit in designing or building a brand.
  • Medium has your followers, so if you lose connection on Medium, you lose your audience.

3.WordPress.com: Best Blogging Platform for beginners

This is a blog hosting service created by the founder of WordPress.org. WordPress offers a basic blog hosting service for free. You need to purchase a custom domain name, additional storage, and premium services. 

Above all, WordPress.com offers a managed WordPress hosting service. Hence, allows users to build a website using the pre-installed WordPress software. 

Likewise, this platform removes the burden of managing security or maintenance. But, by providing a ready-to-use hosted WordPress environment.

It came into being in 2005 to bring the experience to a larger audience. 

Check this review from Brianna:


  • No setup required
  • Easy to manage and use
  • Completely free if you have your subdomain.


  • You cannot use custom themes and plugins to customize your blog.
  • You cannot run Ads on your free website.
  • You do not own your blog and WordPress.com can suspend your account if they find you violating the terms.

Check the link where you find websites built with WordPress


Blogger.com came into blogging in 1999 and was an American content management system. But, later in 2003, Google became the owner and redesigned it into the product we are using today! And is a free blogging service by Google. Above all, it is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners as it is helpful for non-tech users too.

You need a Google account to start a blog on Blogger.com. Above all, you can create, write, and publish a blog.

Blogger is a free and easy-to-use platform. Above all, it allows individuals and organizations to manage their own blogs.

 Hence, with customizable templates and a user-friendly dashboard. All in all, with a wide range of features you can create a unique and beautiful blog easily.  Blogger.com. is a great option for anyone looking to create a blog for personal or professional purposes. 

However, there are a few challenges to using the platform. It has a limited storage space and control over SEO. But, the benefits of using Blogger outweigh the challenges.


  • It is easy to get started.
  • It’s completely free.
  • You can use themes and templates to personalize your blog.


  • Is available only for a basic blog unless you know coding.
  • If you need your own domain name, you need to buy one.
  • It has a limit of 100 blogs per account.


Tumblr is a free platform that works like a social network and a blogging site. It’s popular among niche communities as it is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners. 

You can usually find writers and artists using Tumblr to share their work here. Above all, Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows its users to post text and photos. Likewise, quotes, links, music, and videos from a browser, phone, desktop, and email. Tumblr joins blogging and social networking on a single platform. It’s the unique dual nature that distinguishes Tumblr from others in its category.

Above all, in addition to functioning in the blog format, Tumblr also displays content. As a flow, much like the news feeds of popular social networks. Users often find stories through this chain of content.

Tumblr is a mix of bloggers and brands. There are two types of bloggers on Tumblr. First are those who create original content. And second, are those who re-blog posts. Tumblr is a highly custom platform. Here users are able to easily personalize everything. This platform uses multimedia and avoids long, text-heavy posts.

To use Tumblr, register for an account. Then, create a username and choose a name for your blog. Above all, you use the username as your Tumblr subdomain.

Following that, choose the topics you want to appear on your Tumblr dashboard. Adjust the settings to curate the content. Likewise, explore the platform and find people or tags to follow. You can publish content, or change the blog’s appearance.

View the link below, where Amitabh Bachchan a famous celebrity uses the platform:


  • It is free to use
  • It is user-friendly
  • It has simple feedback options. On Tumblr, you can like an entry, leave a comment on it, or re-post it in your own journal.
  • They provide a privacy option if you want to practice online work and experiment with Tumblr.


  • Designed for the younger generation. Likewise, it is a bit more towards videos and images rather than text.
  • Tumblr has limited search features- users can find journals only by their names or by content.
  • There are no restrictions on content as to what to write. Unless it breaks the copyright. Hence a user can limit the content from seeing by enabling safe mode.

Check the reviews from Daniel M


Choosing the best blogging platforms for beginners is important. As it can be a failure or your blog’s success. Above all, if you are looking for the best and most free blogging platforms. Then consider WordPress, Medium, Tumblr, or Blogger. Hope this was helpful!

Want to know more about blogging read our Free blogging guide : Blogging guide


1. Is WordPress free?

WordPress itself is a free, open-source web software. But to use it you will need to invest in a web hosting plan. You can find hosting for as little as $1 per month on a shared hosting plan.

 2. Do I need to know how to code to use WordPress?

Absolutely not! Most WordPress users are not developers since there’s no need to learn CSS or PHP. There are plenty of feature-rich themes and plugins to make changes to your website.

3. How do I update WordPress?

You can update it easily, as you’ll see them in your WordPress dashboard. To install an update, click on the refresh/update icon or navigate to Dashboard > Updates and click the button to “Install Now.” 

4. What’s the Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

WordPress.org is the free open-source WordPress software. While WordPress.com is a service built on the WordPress.org software.

5. What Is a Domain Name (and Do I Need One for WordPress)?

A domain name is your website’s address on the internet — for example, our domain name is ‘thewriterscosmos.com‘. If you want to use self-hosted WordPress, you’ll need your own domain name.

6. Is Blogger free?

Yes! Blogger is completely free to use. There are no charges, subscriptions, or sign-up fees. The only thing you need is a Google account as it is one of the best blogging platforms for beginners. With that, you can access all of Bloggers features for free.

7. Do people still use Blogger?

Yes, lots of users still use Blogger. It may be old, but still a very popular online blogging platform. It’s easy to use and completely free, so it’s a great way to start writing a blog.

8. What is Medium?

Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams and launched in August 2012.

9. Who writes on Medium?

One of the greatest qualities of Medium is the various forms of writers. There are many emerging writers, who may be publishing their content online for the first time. 

Also, there are experienced writers who have published in major publications or have written their own books. Likewise, major newspapers and magazines also publish content on Medium.

10. What are some of the popular topics to write about on Medium?

The medium allows content from virtually every niche to be published. However, there are a few categories that are popular. 

Some of the topics include business, Self-Help, Technology, and Programming. It can be Success Stories, Startups, Personal Essays, Culture, and even diversity.

11. Does it cost money to write on Medium?

No, it does not. Above all, “Publishing on Medium is free…”

12. Can I disable or turn off Tumblr Live?

It’s not possible to permanently disable Tumblr Live. But you can snooze it from your dashboard for the next 30 days.

Unbelievable Networth of Top 5 Bloggers- Income report

Unbelievable Networth of Top 5 Bloggers- Income report

Unbelievable Networth of Top 5 Bloggers- Income report

Unbelievable Networth of Top 5 Bloggers- Income report

If you start it correctly, you could get money in a matter of months. Beginners can get into a niche that could be more competitive. Make mistakes, learn, and Improve” is correct. It is important for new bloggers to be aware of the competition in their chosen niche and to be prepared to work hard in order to succeed. Making mistakes and learning from them is a natural part of the blogging process, and it is essential for growth. By constantly improving their skills and strategies, new bloggers can eventually overcome the challenges of a competitive niche and achieve their blogging goals.

Table of Contents

1. Here Are 7 Important Keys To Know Before Starting Blogging:

the writer's cosmos

1. Early profitability:

It’s possible to make significant money from blogging within months if you approach it strategically and execute it effectively.

2. Thorough research:

Before launching your blog, conduct in-depth research to understand your target audience, their needs, and how you can provide solutions. Familiarize yourself with SEO principles to optimize your blog for search engines.

3. Passion-driven content:

Write about topics that genuinely interest you, as this will translate into authentic and engaging content that resonates with your readers. You’ll stand out from the crowd with your own viewpoint. 

4. Rapid traffic generation:

Paid advertising can quickly drive traffic to your blog. Complement this with retargeting campaigns and email list building to establish a loyal readership.

5. Data-driven approach:

Regularly monitor your blog’s metrics to identify top-performing content and traffic sources. Focus on replicating successful strategies to maximise your blog’s reach and impact.

6. Niche selection:

As a beginner, consider avoiding overly competitive niches. While it’s tempting to pursue popular topics, establishing yourself in a less crowded space might be more manageable and rewarding.

7. Continuous learning:

Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. Use your experiences to refine your approach and enhance your blogging skills.

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2. The 5 Biggest Benefits Of Blogging To Start Blog:

  • Financial stability: A decent income from blogging can provide financial security, allowing you to cover expenses, save for the future, and invest in your blog’s growth.
  • Flexibility: Blogging offers the freedom to work from anywhere and at your own pace. This flexibility can enhance work-life balance and cater to personal commitments.
  • Creative freedom: Blogging provides a platform to express your creativity and share your ideas with the world. With a steady income, you can invest in better equipment, hire assistance, or take your blog to new heights, further expanding your creative horizons.
  • Personal development: Blogging fosters personal growth by improving your writing skills, boosting your confidence, and deepening your expertise in your chosen niche. A decent income allows you to pursue further learning and development in your field.
  • Collaboration opportunities: As your blog gains traction and your income increases, you may attract collaborations or sponsorships from brands or other bloggers. These partnerships can provide exposure, new experiences, and additional revenue streams.

In essence, being a blogger with a decent income can open doors to financial stability, flexibility, creative fulfilment, personal growth, and collaboration opportunities, among other advantages

3. How Do Most Famous Bloggers Make Money?

 Many people make money blogging. In fact, some bloggers make millions of dollars per year. However, it is important to note that success in blogging takes time, effort, and dedication. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

The following advice can help you monetize your blog:

  • Choose a niche that you are passionate about. This will make it easier to create high-quality content that people will want to read.
  • Write high-quality content that is informative and engaging. Make sure your content is well-researched and free of errors.
  • Promote your blog on social media and other channels. Your blog can be promoted in a variety of methods, including guest blogging, email marketing, and social networking. 
  • Build an email list. This is a great way to stay in touch with your readers and promote your content.
  • Be patient. Creating a successful blog takes time. If you don’t start earning money right immediately, don’t give up.

Here are a few more advice for beginning writers:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t expect to make millions of dollars overnight.  Set achievable goals for yourself and monitor your advancement throughout.
  • Be consistent. The more you post, the more likely you are to attract and keep readers.
  • Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Your readers will appreciate your authenticity.
  • Enjoy the process. Blogging should be fun. Success will be hard to come by if you’re not having fun.
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4. How To Make Money Blogging For Beginners?

Bloggers can earn money in a number of ways fairly fast, but developing an audience and establishing credibility frequently takes time and work. Here are some strategies for fast monetization:

1. Affiliate Marketing:

Promoting goods or services and getting paid a commission for each transaction that happens via your exclusive affiliate link. This is a popular method for bloggers to monetize their content, as it can be a good way to generate passive income.

2. Sponsored Content:

Collaborating with companies to produce paid sponsored reviews or blog entries. This can be a good way to make a quick buck, but it’s important to be selective about the brands you work with and to make sure that your sponsored content is clearly labelled as such.

3. Advertisements:

Use ad networks like Google AdSense to display ads on your blog and earn revenue based on clicks or impressions. This is a good way to monetize your blog if you have a high volume of traffic.

4. Selling Digital Products:

Producing and marketing e-books, tutorials, templates, and other digital goods associated with your expertise. This can be a good way to generate passive income, but it’s important to create high-quality products that your audience will find valuable.

5. Offering Services:

Offering your expertise-related services like coaching, consulting, or freelance writing. This can be a good way to make money if you have a particular skill or knowledge that people are willing to pay for.

6. Donations and Crowdfunding:

Requesting assistance from your audience via Paypal services. This can be a good way to generate additional income from your blog, but it’s important to have a strong fan base and to provide regular content and perks to your supporters.

7. Selling Physical Products:

If relevant to your niche, you can sell physical products through your blog, such as merchandise or handmade items. This can be a good way to generate additional revenue, but it’s important to have a good understanding of product development, marketing, and fulfilment.

8. Email Marketing:

Constructing an email list and making money off of it via product or affiliate promotions. This can be a good way to generate passive income from your blog, but it’s important to build a relationship with your subscribers and provide them with valuable content.

Remember that consistent, high-quality content and engagement with your audience are key to long-term success. It is essential to balance the desire for fast money with the need to provide value to your readers.

Want to know how to make money with blogging Join Our Online Content Mastery Course


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technology, beautiful flowers, laptop-3489503.jpg

5. Here Are The Top 5 Bloggers:

1. Pat Flynn: Net Worth Over $3 Million

Pat Flynn is a popular blogger and entrepreneur known for his blog Smart Passive Income (SPI), which he founded in 2008. SPI is a resource for people who want to create and grow online businesses and earn a passive income. 

Pat Flynn’s main methods of monetization for his blog Smart Passive Income (SPI) are affiliate marketing and selling online courses.

Flynn promotes an array of products and services that he is familiar with using affiliate marketing. This means that when someone purchases one of these products or services through his link, he receives a commission. Affiliate marketing is a popular monetization method for bloggers because it can generate a high income with a relatively small amount of effort. Pat Flynn’s net worth is over $3 million.

The other main way Flynn monetizes his blog is by selling online courses. He has created a number of courses on a variety of topics, such as blogging, email marketing, and online business development. These courses are offered at a variety of price points, and they have been very successful in generating income for Flynn.

In addition to affiliate marketing and selling online courses, Flynn also generates income from:

  • Speaking engagements: He is a popular speaker at conferences and events, and he charges a fee for his speaking engagements.
  • Sponsorships: He has sponsored posts on his blog, and he charges a fee to businesses for these posts.
  • Adsense: He displays ads on his blog, and he earns money when visitors to his blog click on these ads.

These methods of monetization have been very successful for Flynn, and he has been able to generate a significant income from his blog. He is a role model for many aspiring entrepreneurs, and he is an inspiration to people all over the world.

Here are some specific examples of how Flynn has used affiliate marketing and selling online courses to monetize his blog:

  • Flynn has promoted a variety of products and services on his blog, such as web hosting, email marketing software, and e-books. He has also created his own products and services, such as his online courses and his membership site, The SPI Academy.
  • Flynn has offered a variety of pricing options for his online courses, such as one-time payments, monthly payments, and lifetime access. He has also offered a variety of bonuses and incentives for students who take his courses. As a result of his success with affiliate marketing and selling online courses, Flynn has been able to generate a significant income from his blog. He is a role model for many aspiring entrepreneurs, and he is an inspiration to people all over the world.

2. Arianna Huffington: Net Worth Over $100 Million

Arianna Huffington is a very successful and well-known blogger, author, and businesswoman. She has founded several successful companies, including The Huffington Post and Thrive Global. She has written 15 books, and Time magazine named her one of the world’s 100 most influential people.

Huffington has used a variety of monetization strategies to generate revenue for her websites and businesses. Some of these strategies include:

  • Advertising: Her websites display ads from a variety of advertisers, including Google AdSense and DoubleClick. The amount of money that she earns from advertising depends on the number of visitors to her websites and the click-through rate of the ads.
  • Sponsored content: Her websites also feature sponsored content, which is a type of advertising that is written in the style of a blog post or article and appears on the website as if it were a regular post. Sponsored content is typically labelled as such, but it can still be an effective way for businesses to reach a large audience.
  • E-commerce: Her websites sell a variety of products and services, including books, courses, and merchandise. She also sells products and services through her Thrive Global company.
  • Speaking engagements: She is a popular speaker at conferences and events, and she charges a fee for her speaking engagements.
  • Book sales: She has written 15 books, and she generates revenue from the sale of these books.
  • Television appearances: She has made numerous appearances on television shows, and she is paid for these appearances.
  • Syndication: Her articles are syndicated to a number of websites, and she generates revenue from this syndication.

Huffington has been successful in monetizing her websites and businesses through a combination of advertising, sponsored content, e-commerce, speaking engagements, book sales, and television appearances, and Arianna Huffington net worth is over $100 million. Her strategies have allowed her to generate a significant amount of revenue and become one of the most successful bloggers and businesswomen in the world.

3. Michael Arrington: Net Worth Over $15 Million

Michael Arrington is a well-known American tech blogger and venture capitalist. He is known for his outspokenness and his ability to spot trends early. 

Michael Arrington’s monetization methods for his blog TechCrunch have been quite successful. He has used a variety of methods, including advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

  • Advertising: Advertising has been a major source of revenue for TechCrunch, and Arrington has been able to secure deals with some of the biggest advertisers in the tech industry. He has used Google AdSense and DoubleClick, which are both popular advertising platforms. The amount of money that he earns from advertising depends on the number of visitors to his blogs and the click-through rate of the ads.
  • Sponsored content: Sponsored content has also been a major source of revenue for TechCrunch, and Arrington has been able to attract major brands to sponsor his blog posts. Sponsored content is a type of advertising that is written in the style of a blog post and appears on the website as if it were a regular post. Sponsored content is typically labelled as such, but it can still be an effective way for businesses to reach a large audience. He has collaborated with brands such as Coca-Cola, Google, and Microsoft.
  • Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing has also been a major source of revenue for TechCrunch, and Arrington has been able to earn commissions from referring his readers to products and services. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which bloggers earn a commission for each product or service that they sell through their blogs. He has promoted products and services such as Amazon, Apple, and Dell.

Arrington’s monetization methods have been successful, but they have also been controversial. Some people have criticized Arrington for relying too heavily on advertising and sponsored content. Others have accused him of promoting products and services that are not in the best interests of his readers.

Despite the controversy, Arrington’s monetization methods have been successful, and they have allowed him to generate a significant amount of revenue. Michael Arrington’s net worth is over $15 million. He has shown that it is possible to make a lot of money from blogging, and he has inspired many other bloggers to try to do the same.

4. Ben Huh:Net Worth Over $5 Million 

Ben Huh is a South Korean-American entrepreneur, investor, and blogger. He is best known as the founder of the popular social news website Hyphen.

Ben Huh’s websites have used a variety of methods of monetization, including advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

  • Advertising: Huh’s websites have displayed ads from a variety of advertisers, including Google AdSense and DoubleClick. The amount of money that Huh has earned from advertising depends on the number of visitors to his websites and the click-through rate of the ads.
  • Sponsored content: Huh has also sold sponsored content to businesses. Sponsored content is a type of advertising that is written in the style of a blog post and appears on the website as if it were a regular post. Sponsored content is typically labelled as such, but it can still be an effective way for businesses to reach a large audience.
  • Affiliate marketing: Huh has also used affiliate marketing to monetize his websites. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which bloggers earn a commission for each product or service that they sell through their websites. Huh typically links to products or services that he believes in and that he thinks his readers would find valuable.

Huh’s methods of monetization have been successful, and his websites have been very profitable. However, they have also been controversial. Some people have criticized Huh for using too much advertising and for selling sponsored content. Others have accused him of promoting products and services that are not in the best interests of his readers.

Despite the controversy, Huh’s methods of monetization have been successful, and his websites have been very profitable. He has shown that it is possible to make a lot of money from blogging, and he has inspired many other bloggers to try to do the same.

Here are some specific examples of how Huh has used advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing to monetize his websites:

  • On Hyphen, Huh used Google AdSense to display ads on the website. He also sold sponsored content to businesses, such as Pepsi and Sony.
  • On the Cheezburger Network, Huh used affiliate marketing to promote a variety of products and services, such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases.
  • On his personal blog, Huh uses a combination of advertising and affiliate marketing to monetize his website.

Overall, Ben Huh has been a successful entrepreneur who has used a variety of methods to monetize his websites. His methods have been profitable, but they have also been controversial. Ben Huh’s net worth is $5 million. Huh has shown that it is possible to make a lot of money from blogging, and he has inspired many other bloggers to try to do the same.

5. James Clear:Net Worth Over $8 Million

James Clear is an author and blogger who specializes in the science of habits. He is the author of the book Atomic Habits, which is a New York Times bestseller.

Clear’s methods of monetization have been successful for him. He has been able to generate a significant amount of revenue from his blog, and he has become a successful author and blogger. James Clear’s net worth is over $8 million.

Here are some of the things that Clear does well in terms of monetizing his blog:

  • He provides high-quality content that is valuable to his audience. Clear’s blog posts are well-written and informative, and they provide readers with actionable advice on how to build good habits and break bad ones.
  • He has a large and engaged audience. Clear’s blog has a large readership, and he is active on social media. This allows him to reach a large audience with his message.
  • He has a variety of monetization streams. Clear does not rely on just one method of monetization. Instead, he has a variety of different streams of revenue, which helps to make his blog more sustainable.

Overall, James Clear is a successful blogger who has been able to monetize his blog effectively. He provides high-quality content that is valuable to his audience, and he has a variety of monetization streams. If you are looking for a blog on habits, I highly recommend checking out James Clear’s Habits.


The top 5 bloggers in the world can make an unbelievable amount of money each year. They have achieved this success by building large and engaged audiences, and by monetizing their blogs through a variety of methods. They have shown that it is possible to make a lot of money from blogging, and they have inspired many other bloggers to try to do the same. The top 5 bloggers are an inspiration to all bloggers. They have shown that it is possible to achieve great success through blogging. Their stories are a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and passion, it is possible to achieve anything.