
Is Blogging Still Profitable?

Is Blogging Still Profitable?

Wondering if, is blogging still profitable! As there is a rise in social media and other digital platforms, it is natural to be curious. In this article, we will explore the evolution of blogging, the state of blogging today, and more.

If you are new to a blogging platform or an experienced blogger, read the article and learn more about monetization strategies and more.

Blogging has come a long way since it started. In today’s world, it is more than just a writing platform. Though there are many bloggers, blogging has become a lucrative business. And people who do well will exist on this platform. Above all, the landscape of blogging has changed. However, blogging is still profitable to those who adapt to changes and stay ahead in the industry

Table of Contents

1. What is the state of blogging today?

Blogging is a powerful way of creating and sharing quality content. Above all, blogging is still relevant and will remain an important online landscape. Through blogging, you get a lot of benefits and advantages.

One of the benefits is that you can share your ideas, opinions, and expertise with your audience.

Let us see the trends in blogging in 2023: 

Here are the top 5 trends every marketer should follow:

1. Custom Graphics

You may be a good content writer but you need to apply compelling visuals with it. If you are not a graphics designer, do not worry! Canva will do it! You can make use of Canva to design custom graphics. 

2. Interactive content

Interactive content elements allow the audience to engage with your blog. By doing this your content stands out as it is fun involved!

The quiz is great interactive content! You may add a sign-up form to participate in the quiz. Above all, you add their name to your email list. Secondly, you can use a quiz to educate the audience about your product or the service you want to sell. This way you can grow conversions.

3. Legitimacy

The first blogging trend is legitimacy, your content needs to be valuable and educational. The writing should be specific, accurate, and actionable.

Your content is more legitimate by quoting experts, citing peer-reviewed sources, and using relevant examples.

4. Original Data

Make your content legitimate with original data. Original data helps to strengthen your content. It gains the trust of your audience making them feel that your content is well researched.

You can collect original data from surveys, polls, and focus groups.

5. Original Topics

Blog content that is original or based on niche topics is a trend that marketers must know. Your content becomes top-performing if you follow creativity and social listening. And it is worth it!

General blogging Statistics in 2023:

  1. Tumblr hosts over 518 million blogs, but WordPress hosts over 60 million blogs.
  2. WordPress has over 43.2% of the internet.
  3. About 70 million new comments get added to WordPress posts per month.
  4. From 2023 to 2027, the global content marketing industry will grow by $584.02 billion.
  5. Only 40% of marketers have a strategy to write content.

For more details Check this link:

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2. What are the monetization strategies?

By monetization strategy, it means a plan to generate revenue from your platform, audience, or content. We have discussed about 3 strategies below:

1. Traditional Ad revenue

We generate revenue through traditional advertising. Above all, businesses push their products or services in front of audiences regardless of their interest. These are a few forms of traditional ads:

  1. Business Cards
  2. TV and Radio ads
  3. Cold Calling
  4. Print Advertising (Flyers, Posters, Newspaper Ads, etc.)
  5. Billboards
  6. Direct Mail Advertising
  7. Affiliate marketing opportunities

As in affiliate marketing, brands form mutually beneficial relationships with bloggers. Brands provide affiliate links to your content and push your users to their sites. Each link gives the brand insight into how much traffic and purchases are done from your blog.

2. Sponsored content and partnership

This is also called a content marketing partnership. Here a company works with a partner to promote through content marketing.

Hence, content marketing partnerships include sponsored content and posts or co-created content.

The content may be sponsored or co-created, but it should fit into the editorial look and get a feel of the company posting it.

3. What are the challenges in modern blogging?

Bloggers can face a variety of common problems which may depend on many factors. Here are three such factors:

1. Saturation and competition

Market saturation is the term to describe a situation where a particular market has reached maximum potential in sales, customers, or overall growth.

Competition plays an important role in determining the level of saturation. Above all, for any given product or service. Hence, when multiple companies compete for the same customer base. They are forced to organize, improve their offers, and stand out from their competitors. This intense competition can lead to market saturation.

2. Changing Algorithms and SEO challenges

As we shall see Google changes its algorithm more frequently. Above all, this algorithm affects the ranking of your website. Hence, you need to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

So, to stay ahead of Google’s algorithm changes, stay up-to-date with industry news. Monitor your website’s performance and check your search engine ranks.

3. Content quality and reader engagement

Nowadays businesses are attracting users through quality content. Good marketing efforts and quality content will get a great user experience.

Hence, a good quality of your content will improve your engagement. Search engines like quality content and show only remarkable content to their users. Hence, content enhances the user engagement.

Want to know in detail how to make perfect content Join Our Online Content Mastery Course

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4. Success stories:

1. A remarkable story of Harsh Agarwal, a professional blogger:

Harsh started blogging as a passion project in September 2008 and he started writing about technology hacks. He started his journey on the BlogSpot platform. As he was interested in gadgets and computer security, his first blog was about technology.

He started with the domain name virgin-tech. blogspot. He bought web hosting and a domain name and migrated his Blogspot blog to WordPress.

Buy Hostinger hosting provider:

Moving to WordPress was a great decision for him. WordPress put ShoutMeLoud into the world map of bloggers who were blogging on the WordPress platform.

Follow the link for the complete story about how he made money through blogging:

2. Niche blogs thriving in 2023:

If you are going to start with a niche blog, then you need to find the most profitable niche. Whether you can make money out of it or not. Here are the five profitable niches:

1. Digital Marketing

It is just booming around the world. Everyone is doing digital marketing courses and also learning how to do Freelancing. Above all, digital marketing is known for its ability to reach the target audience, drive sales, and help increase revenue. It includes social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, and PPC. Businesses use the digital marketing domain to engage, convert, and retain their target audience.

2. Food

  • Food is a universal topic that reaches a large audience. A lot of people are looking and searching for food. It provides broad appeal and is an evergreen content. 
  • Food is highly visual and can use mouthwatering images. You can make multiple content in the food niche.
  • Food niches are a way to monetize such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, advertising, and more.
  • The food niche is a great choice for blogging, but it requires dedication and quality content. Above all, it needs an effective promotion to succeed in a competitive industry.


A tech blog is profitable, but you need to keep in mind some of the factors and things before you start a blog.

Tech blogging is profitable as many bloggers are earning a lot of money.  But Tech blogging is a profitable domain if you have a passion for technology. You need to have a knack for writing and must learn and improve. Tech blogging will help you show your expertise and build your reputation. Here, you connect with the audience and earn money. However, tech blogging has a few challenges, such as you need to stay updated. Likewise, with the trends, and creating high-quality content. You have to attract and retain traffic and deal with competition and criticism. Therefore, before you start your tech blog, you should think about your goals, expectations, and resources, and plan accordingly.

4. Fashion

Fashion is a popular, evergreen topic so it stays around in some form or the other. Bloggers and fashion content creators earn lots of money online.

Fashion bloggers earn money by:

Affiliate marketing

You can use affiliate links in your blog posts, on social media, and in your email marketing. Here, when people click on your link and purchase, you earn a small amount of commission.

Digital Products

Fashion bloggers sell courses, e-books, workshops, and even templates.

For example, you can sell a course on professional styling for busy moms. Or you can sell an e-book on how to dress to impress.

Physical Products

Selling products like apparel and merchandise. Or you can sell accessories to earn money from your website.


Travel blogging entails launching a website focused on the niche of travelling. Here, you share your experience, information, and little-known facts about your travels in the world. You can make money in 3 ways:


You can run ads on your website and earn a small amount, per click or view. This is the recurring income of the travel blog.

Digital Products & Service

You can create digital products like short courses, e-books, and guides. You can also provide coaching and service as per your knowledge.

Affiliate Marketing

You can add affiliate links in your blog posts, and promote products and services on your site. You get paid if they purchase from your blog.

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5. Diversification beyond blogging

Depending solely on one revenue stream is a risk, so we need to explore multiple revenue systems.

Build a strong brand

The difference between a generic or unbranded product and a branded one is that the unbranded is purchased strictly for reasons like it is an acceptable quality and reasonable price.  The branded product is purchased for emotional reasons like it makes me feel good, and shows that I’m savvy. And because of the emotional reasons underlying brand purchases, brands can command a higher price. Rather than the identical but unbranded products and services. Hence, most entrepreneurs and organizations seek to build brands.

We can build a strong brand through a few steps:

Step 1. Discover and develop your brand purpose. 

Step 2. Know your competitors

Step 3. Determine your primary and secondary target audience.

Step 4. Build out your brand strategy

Step 5. Develop a compelling brand story

Step 6. Create a brand identity

Step 7. Live the brand

Follow this link for more detailed information:


 Leverage Multiple Revenue streams

Though blogging is one of the most profitable ways to make money, there are other avenues to earn money through the Internet.

Let’s check with a few:


As you all know eCommerce is for selling products, services, and goods online. Sellers set up their online stores in eCommerce platforms. Buyers visit these stores, browse the items, and purchase directly from the seller. Here a part of the sale goes to the platform as a commission.

Social Media

Creators make content for their followers on social media. They monetize their profiles by promoting different brands through sponsored posts or affiliate marketing.


Freelancers get paid for the services they provide.

Offer online courses

Some lucrative income streams depend on an engaged consumer base. If you’re confident and your audience trusts you. If they regard you as an expert, then online courses, workshops, or coaching is a great way to revenue streams.

Make sure that your course is comprehensive and well thought out. So, the consumers gain something of value. Also, they entice you to continue spending and interacting with your business.

 Partner with online marketplaces

 If you have a physical store, take your products online. Set up an online presence and grow your e-commerce brand to reach a larger audience.

Above all, partnering with established online platforms. Has proven very lucrative for many businesses.

Platforms like eBay, Walmart, and Amazon have an existing, vast customer base. If you partner with them then significantly there is an increase in your revenue.

6. Tools and Resources

 By using the right blogging tools, it helps you produce content faster. Also, there is an increase in organic traffic to your site and it builds a loyal customer base.

 Blog platforms:

1. WordPress: WordPress.org and WordPress.com

2. Hosting:


Blog Design/Themes: The Hostinger Blog Theme is the best if you use WordPress.

 Tools for Graphic Design

We bring about a few tools though there is a list of tools

1.  Canva

This is an online graphic design tool that even someone like me will create visuals for my blog. Great for creating graphics for social media posts also.

2.  PicMonkey

A useful tool for creating visual content for your blog.


Wondering if, is blogging still profitable! Yes, but you just have to update the changes over time. Focus on your niche, build your expertise, and write quality content.